Monthly Archives: April 2016

Statistical Achievements That Went (Largely) Unnoticed In The 2015/16 NBA Season

The end of a yet another NBA season means a couple of things – the major statistical summaries are getting published in every possible sports-website, while some other statistical achievements are getting forgotten and wait to be mentioned in places such as this blog. This is the 4th year in a row in which I give a loud shout-out to those forgotten achievements, the shy ones, the ones who for days make plans to talk to this girl at this party and then end up sitting across from her throughout the whole evening and not mustering enough courage to actually come and talk to her, even though she’s sitting there all alone by herself and probably could use somebody to talk to. God damn it coy statistical achievements, why d’you have to be so insecure?! Continue reading

Renaud Lavillenie – The Fucking BOSS

After some thinking and deliberation I’ve decided that I will not induct active athletes into the Blog’s Hall Of Fame. The dilemma arose because of the upcoimg induction I was about to make, which was of my all-time favorite female swimmer. But as you can tell – she is still sexually active, and because the Hall Of Fame posts serve as a career summary of sorts, things may still change in the near future and I’ve decided eventually against doing it. Continue reading